Indonesia sent 26 representatives at the Thailand Open, Jonatan and Anthony

PP PBSI sent 26 representatives at the 2019 Thailand Open tournament. Two prominent single men in Indonesia, Jonatan Christie and Anthony Sinisuka Ginting were not present in the BWF World Tour Super 500 tournament.
The Thai Open is held at the Huamark Indoor Stadium, Bangkok, Thailand, from July 30 to August 4. This tournament is the third Asian tour where badminton players participate to collect 2020 Olympic points in three consecutive weeks.
National PBSi Pelatnas in the men's doubles dropped seven representatives. Namely, Marcus Fernaldi Gideon / Kevin Sanjaya Sukamuljo, Hendra Setiawan / Mohammad Ahsan, Berry Angriawan / Hardianto, Fajar Alfian / Muhammad Rian Ardianto, Ricky Karandasuwardi / Anggara Pratama, Wahyu Nayaka Arya P / Ade Yusuf Santoso. In addition to them, Indonesian representatives, Sabar Karyaman G / Frengky Wijaya Putra, started the battle from the qualifying round.
While the single male sector, Indonesia sent five representatives. The details are three players who started the game since qualifying, namely Sony Dwi Kuncoro, Ihsan Maulana Mustofa and Chico Aura Dwi Wardoyo. While the other two players, Tommy Sugiarto and Shesar Hiren Rhustavito immediately qualified in the main round.
While in the women's singles, only Yulia Yosephin Susanto started the match in the qualifying round. The other four players, Lyanny Alessandra Mainaky, Fitriani, Ruselli Hartawan and Gregoria Mariska Tunjung.
In the women's doubles, the PBSI initially mobilized five representatives, but Ni Ketut Mahadewi Istarani / Tania Oktaviani Kusumah did not appear. Lower women's doubles Siti Fadia Silva / Ribka Sugiarto, Della Destiara Haris / Rizki Amelia Pradiptha, Greysia Polii / Apriyani Rahayu, Yulfira Barkah / Jauza Fadhila Sugiarto.
Then, with a double mixture, send five waki. Namely, Alfian Eko Prasetya / Marsheilla Gischa Islami, Hafiz Faizal / Gloria Emanuelle Widjaja, Ronald / Annisa Saufika, Praveen Jordan / Melati Daeva Oktavianti, Rinov Rivaldy / Pitha Haningtyas Mentari.
The Head of the International Relations Division of PP PBSI, Bambang Roedyanto, said that Jonatan and Anthony were not present for the maintenance of physical players.
"According to their coach (Hendry Saputra Ho), Jonatan and Anthony are worried they are not strong enough to undergo three consecutive tournaments," Bambang said in a brief message to reporters on Tuesday (07/30/2019).
Meanwhile, it is known that Ketut suffered an injury after winning the women's doubles title with Tania at the 2019 Russian Open. "Ketut injured," he explained briefly without further details.
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