About Equal Pay in Women's Football, Finland Outperforms America

About Equal Pay in Women's Football, Finland Outperforms America

US national team captain Megan Rapinoe echoed this campaign at the 2019 Women's World Cup and finally paid off. But it was Finland who started income smoothing for girls and boys.

Income smoothing of footballers has been approved by the Finnish Football Federation. The breakthrough of Scandinavian countries must be followed by all countries to advance women's soccer.

"We want to be involved in the development of a more responsible and just society, hoping the example we give will be a source of inspiration for other countries, and we hope that this decision will be an important investment for the country. Women's football," Finland's President Ari Lahti told the Daily Mail, Saturday (07/09/2019).

For information, the Finnish national team has signed a four-year contract with the federation, which will give him the same benefits and bonuses as the men's team. The team captain, Tinja-Riika Korpela, also welcomed this certainty.

"The same dream, the same goal, the same game, the same contract For us, all contracts are important, not just because of economic factors," Reeka Korpela said.

In other words, Finland has become the first country to apply the same wage. The decision of 31 countries classified by FIFA is rather surprising. Because his daughter's national team did not qualify for the last 2019 World Cup.

The United States, the first country to echo the same wages, continues to fight for the rights of its daughters footballers.


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